Saturday, April 25, 2009

This is to hold you over

I didn't do a real update yesterday and I probably won't today, so I am making a short update to hold you over until I finally post my review/pictures of the Spinto Band show.

This post is called #1 Reason Why Vinyl Is the Best Music Format. lolz?


  1. Hahahahahaha. Good move Andrew I was going to start complaining soon.

  2. Oh, and didn't Spinto Band open the last time you saw Yo La Tengo or something? You've mentioned them before. I guess I'll find out tomorrow in your blag post. Unless you want to tell me in school tomorrow. That's cool too.

  3. No. The Rosebuds opened for Yo La Tengo the first time I saw them and a fellow with a sitar whose name I don't remember opened the second time. Maybe you heard me mention that they played an instore performance at Rainbow?

    Anyway, I should have some sort of post up soon.

  4. I must have gotten confused because every time I hear "spinto" I think of sitars and other twangy 'struments.
